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Head to Head Video Classes
Head to Head Olympians all have unique stories to learn from.
Many Olympians completed high levels of education, some in Canada, some in the USA, as they trained for the Olympics.
Watch the videos to learn a bit more from each athlete about why, and how they reached the pinnacle of sport.
Listen closely to hear about: - Their proudest accomplishments - Activities they're most interested in - Topics they feel are most important - What excites them !

Want to get to know the Olympians first? Click here to meet the Olympians.
Watch videos directly from the Olympians by clicking the 'Get Started!' buttons below:
One of the best resources for any athlete is a good mentor.
These are people who have your best interest at heart, and have experience that they can share with you that will help you succeed.
Goal Setting
Setting goals is one of the most important steps you can take to become successful in sport and in life.
Each Olympian has their own approach to goals, but they all share the same belief in the importance of goals.
Race Prep
Even Olympians get nervous before competing!
Learn their tricks, and the reliable routines that help them prepare, and be at their best when it matters the most!